Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pay It Forward--want to join?

I do realize this exchange has been circulating around blogland for awhile and many of you have already participated in it. For those of you, like me, that haven't had the pleasure of joining in, here's your chance... This is how it goes : it's the Pay It Forward exchange, based on the concept of the movie "Pay It Forward", where acts of kindness are done without expecting anything in return, just passing it on, hoping that the recipients will do the same and pay it forward, like a never ending chain of kindness...

How to proceed ?I will make and send a handmade gift for the first 3 friends who post a comment to this post, requesting to join this exchange, and promising to pay it forward to 3 other persons, etc....I don't know what my 3 gifts will be, but I will try to get them out within the next few weeks--and I can promise I'll get them out within the next three months .What YOU have to do in return then, is pay it forward by making the same announcement and promise on YOUR blog.

Sound like fun? I think so! I wonder who will I be sending handmade gifts to???
When I first posted this idea, I wasn't entirely sure I'd get three takers, but it's my lucky duck day, I guess. Okay, ladies--Meredith, Liz and Linnea--it's on! I've been brainstorming like crazy, so let's hope it works out!


Anonymous said...

Ooh Meg I'd LOVE to be in your pay it forward circle!!!! What a cool idea. Now, am I crafty enough to pay forward to three more friends??? (Am I computer savvy enough to add the banner on my blog?!)

Count me in!!

~liz said...

your idea is making the crafty blog worlds...i can't wait to try it at my blog!

hey - i'm also a pennsylvania mother of three (a bit younger, but about the same age difference!)


Linnea said...

This is such a fun idea! I am pretty new to blogging and this sounds great! I would love to be in it too!
I can't wait to try it. What to make, what to make?