Friday, April 19, 2013

A Weekend Plan: Dreamy/Practical

Time for another Dreamy/Practical list: a list filled with items that need to be done and with items that it would be really, really nice to do.  I try to make sure I get to check off at least one from each category over the course of the weekend.  Here is a sampling from this week's list:
Spend some time with this week's library stack.  Rob and I are going to Chicago for a couple of days soon.  The weather looks like it's going to be downright wintry, and we have most of our time planned out, but we are open to suggestions for places to grab breakfast or lunch.  Any must-see places you can think of in the Windy City?

Enjoy my cuppa.  Now that I've cracked the case as to why my new coffee maker was making bad-tasting coffee, I fully intend to linger with a cup or two this weekend!  The culprit was the reuseable metal filter.  Back to paper!


As always, menu plan and grocery shop.  And then to finish this project I started during the week:

The semi-annual Sorting of the Hand-Me-Downs.  I cannot fully express how much I hate doing this.  Twice a year, every last item of clothing is re-sorted and re-folded.  In the past I have kept the bins in the kids' closets, and I'm pretty sure that's why the clothes keep getting tossed about.  This time, the bins are going in the basement. 

I hope that you will be able to do some dreamy and some practical things this weekend.  Happy Friday!

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