Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Counting down

The kids' last day of school is next Thursday.  I am all too aware of how quickly this time will pass.

Somebody turned ELEVEN last week!
I should be outside planting flowers.  And then I should be out shopping for the third grade end-of-the-year party.

Dresden fun--sidelined indefinitely.  Maybe they'll come out in time for the 4-H fair!
And of course, there's always laundry.

ADVENTure FAIL!  Way too big for intended recipient.  Starting over...
Here I go--past the large stack of library books and out into the garden.


~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

It's so hard to believe the school year is practically over. Truth-be-told, I'm not overly excited about having a bored 13-year old at home with nothing to do (at least according to him). It's funny, I have a list a mile long and he has no plans. Oh well.

Sorry that your plan failed. It seems like I spend a lot of time re-doing things too, if that's any consolation.

Those Dresden plates are so pretty.

Meredith said...

it will fly by! We have already been out of school two weeks! And I am just wishing it would slow down b/c we are having so much fun. Good luck with all the end of the school festivities! And don't worry about projects that get derailed. You're so craftily prolific as is!