Wednesday, November 14, 2007


So, I've signed up to participate in an ornament swap. This entails my creating and mailing ornaments to complete strangers in the hopes that they will respond in like fashion. I went to the fabric store yesterday to purchase supplies (a really bad idea--Caitlin and Bobby nearly wrecked the place) and I began sewing yesterday because I was just so excited!

Sigh. It's not coming out as nicely as I had hoped. I think I need to re-think how I'm going to stitch the whole thing together. Plus, this morning I got an email from the swap organizers. Two more people have been added to my group! I'm sure everything will turn out fine, I just need some time to work on it. And that has been hard to come by lately. I'm running around like a crazy person, it seems. And we have a kindergarten feast tomorrow, followed by the preschool feast on Friday. Sunday, we'll be in New Jersey for Alex's birthday, then the kids are off all next week. And we're hosting Thanksgiving. Where am I going to get this time? I guess I'll have to give up a few nights of watching Heroes...and I'm really loving watching Heroes.

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