Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Springing into action

So, you know that I'm trying to "be the change" this year--and not just for avoiding celebrity smut. Over the weekend we watched An Inconvenient Truth again. That movie just gets me fired up! And think about how frustrated poor Al Gore must get if I'm getting frustrated by global warming.

Anway, I've just fired off two emails that may get me branded as the Treehugger Mom, but hey, I look good in my Birkenstocks (*wink*)! My first email was to the school prinicipal to propose a no-idle rule at the school for kindergarten parents. I've gotten to school as early as ten minutes before the kids even come outside and seen parents lined up in their cars, exhaust streaming from the tailpipes. Yes, I know it's cold, but aren't you wearing a coat anyway? And how much are you paying for gas? Are you all made of money?

Then, my second email was to the Home and School association (like PTA--only different letters) to suggest a new fundraiser for next year. In addition to our big money-maker gift wrap fundraiser (don't even get me started on how environmentally wrong all that throw-away paper is--I still buy a few rolls), the school usually sells these coupon books for local attractions and stores. It's kinda like the Entertainment books, only not as good. But Bobby's preschool sells it too, so I usually don't buy one at all. I have suggested we sell reusable shopping bags as a fundraiser.

I have no idea what to expect for either of my proposals, but at least I'm giving it a shot, so yay for me (positive reinforcement--it's not just for kids!)!

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