Back in January, one of my goals was to be here more often. It looks like three posts a month is going to have to do for now. I'm getting this one in under the wire. I know from reading 168 Hours that I really do have the time to post here--I just haven't moved my schedule around to make it happen. Yet. So next month, I'll try for at least a weekly posting. I have ideas written down for posts; but I know that with baseball season starting, computer time is going to be at a premium. So four posts for April is my goal.
My desk at work. A hot mess, right? |
My "one new recipe per month" goal is still on track. In February and March, I tried two new recipes each. My February ones were from the January edition of Martha Stewart living; and my March recipes were from the Everyday Food supplement that came with the MSL magazine. I miss Everyday Food, don't you? The recipes were okay; probably not going into the rotation.
Cheater Pain au Chocolat. Trader Joe's is so much better than this Pillsbury version. |
Reading Blurbs: Still on track with this one. In February, I read four books--three nonfiction, one fiction. For March, I have read two mysteries so far--and I have really enjoyed them. In addition to writing a short blurb, I'm grading my reads on a scale of 10. My March books each earned a 9 out of 10. Speaking From Among the Bones by Alan Bradley and Dying in the Wool by Frances Brody were the titles, by the way.
Also reading in March: Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist. A new author to me. Almost every essay is leaving me in tears. In a good way. I'm pacing myself on this one. It's good for reading with coffee. |
Pictures: Haven't printed any; haven't taken any that weren't on my phone. Last month, we watched some of Rob's old home movies. It spurred him to purchase a video camera.
Hair cut and highlights! Selfies are always so awkward--I feel so silly smiling at my phone. I'm always afraid the kids are going to catch me! |
Exercise: Sporadic. Time to make this a priority. We've been going to soup suppers for the last five Wednesdays, and that seems to make everything else unmanageable. I need to make a concrete goal to work toward--like cover a certain number of miles a week, or try to be in the gym a certain number of days per week.
Spring? The view from the bathroom yesterday. Fortunately it has all melted. |
So there is the February and March goal update. How are your goals doing?